About the Artist


Hi! I’m B! I make art! I have made alllll kinds of art, but NOTHING makes me happier than making stickers! I paint, do photography, make murals, custom pet portraits, collage, felt, quill, wood burn and so much more.  I am also a nail technician and my specialty has always been nail art. I love tiny things and tiny art, so it’s not surprising that sticker making is so appealing to me.  I am absolutely giddy every time new stickers come in and equally thrilled each time someone orders! I’m so happy to know that the stickers that make me so happy are bringing joy to others! I am ALWAYS open to suggestions for sticker ideas AND I am always accepting custom order requests for stickers and all kinds of art! Hit me up of you have an idea!  My first loves are art and travel, and being self employed and an entrepreneur for the last 10 years has lowed me a lot of time to do both! Now that 2020 has put a damper on the travel, I’ve been using my extra time and travel funds to build this art business and I’m pretty pleased with how it’s all coming together!

I am on all of the socials if you want to get to know me better! You can find me on everything as @MagicMakerB! Let’s connect!